Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It makes me laugh when people tell me I'm brave for packing up and moving to Colorado. I don't really consider myself a brave person. It's like I have this thin, delicate layer of brave over this crazy fear. I would rather people tell me that I'm obedient. Because that's really all I'm aiming for. I definitely feel like God is calling me to Colorado and to Compassion. Am I scared though? Absolutely! But it's kind of funny...God has been fitting together the pieces of this transition so perfectly, just like He always has. So why am I scared? Why am I scared that I'll get to Compassion and they'll wonder why they hired me? Why am I scared that I won't make any friends? Why am I scared that I'll fall flat on my face?

Some days I feel like I'm just barely holding it all together. That I'm clinging to the bravery and praying the fear doesn't explode through.


Blogger greta lynn hernandez said...

Rich Mullins sang "So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf; You have been King of my glory won't you be my Prince of Peace."
Let Him hold you...and you're right--obedience is the key! In Samuel, the Bible says, "Obedience is better than sacrifice." You're doing a wonderful thing in His eyes by simply obeying. And, Compassion will be super glad they hired you! LOVE YOU!

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no need to fear when you're following Him.

And if you fall, the ground will always stop you. ;)

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandy, I'm so excited for you. I heard the news fromt the grape vine. Don't worry. Your too loveable! And I do think your brave, bravery is taking the next step even when fear makes our limbs hang limp at our sides.

Love - Cassie

8:31 AM  

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